I am currently an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at Lycoming College. I have taught (or will soon teach):
Introduction to Philosophy of Science (PHIL 130)
Central Problems in Philosophy (PHIL 140)
Modern Philosophy (PHIL 203)
Symbolic Logic (PHIL 225)
Philosophy of Natural Science (PHIL 333)
Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science (PHIL 335)
Special Topics: Mind or Cognitive Science (PHIL 340)
Special Topics: The School of Suspicion (PHIL 340)
First-Year Seminar: Virtual Worlds (FYS 159)
First-Year Seminar: Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art (FYS 159)
From Fall 2014-Spring 2019, I was an assistant professor in the Department of English and Philosophy at Idaho State University. I taught:
Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL-1101; both face-to-face and online versions)
Philosophy of Art (PHIL-4400/5500)
Philosophy of Language (PHIL-4410/5510)
Philosophy of Mind (PHIL-4420/5520)
Metaphysics (PHIL-4435/5535)
Philosophy of Cognitive Science (PHIL-4499/5599; PSYC-4999)
From Fall 2008-Spring 2011 and Fall 2012-Spring 2013, I was an instructor in the Philosophy Department of Baruch College, CUNY. I taught:
Major Issues in Philosophy (PHI 1500)
Logic and Moral Reasoning (PHI 1600)
Thought and Reality (PHI/PSY 3030)
I was a Writing Fellow at the New York City College of Technology, CUNY from Fall 2011-Spring 2012.
My teaching portfolio (including sample syllabi) is available upon request.